My blog is generally light-hearted and very casual...I don't delve into anything deep because that's not really what I want this blog to be...(anything deep goes into my diary.)
But I have really been thinking lately. Thinking about stuff that bothers me. Like really bothers me. Like stupid girls. Yup, I'm bashing my own gender...believe it.
Girls that can't see whats in front of their faces or refuse to and cover it up or pass it off just really gets my goat (yeah I said it.)
The ones that deal with stupid boys just......grrr. Just bothers me. I mean, yes, stupid boys bother me too, but the stupid girls that put up with the stupid boys are even more bothersome. The girls that put up with the guys that swear, pull guns out to just 'play around' with, that disrespect them, that do drugs, that can't hold a job down, are previously married...those girls are stupid. And they are even dumber when they marry them. Then once they are married to the guy they just can't 'believe' that he is the way he is. Der! Why are you surprised that he's doing drugs...why are you surprised he's sleeping with other women....why are you surprised he's slapping you around....he was doing it before he said 'I do'! Did you expect him to make a 180 degree turn around? If so...your IQ is way below normal. Boy that bothers me...I shut my mouth about it the majority of the time because I know quite a few people in this situation.
It also bothers me how girls think they need a guy to 'complete' themselves. Like they can't survive on their own...psh. I could keep going on forever...but my soapbox is limited to only so many.
Anyway...the new iPhone 2 is coming out...and there are so many rumors surrounding it. I won't repeat them cause we don't what it's really going to entail...oh shucks what am I talking about...Read away on the rumors.
But it's gonna be $199...I like it...much more feasible :)
P.S. I don't own a diary.
"are previously married"
be a little more judgmental why don't you.
I love how the commentator stayed anonymous... Nothing says "I am too much of a coward to confront you face to face with my issue with you" like the word "anonymous"...
And in case "anonymous" reads this comment, this is who I am. Bring it on.
You don't mess with my girl.
That's word...and here is my response
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