The month of February is forgettable

This month got off to a rough start. It has been taxing. I have to force myself to keep things to myself when sometimes, I just want to have diarrhea of the mouth. And I have to remind myself I don't want to turn this into a personal blog. So I received an email from Dana telling me to check out this site Not a new concept entirely. The site is designed to help you work in a group, and while it offers some of the features that Google does, it's a bit more intimate. I would even go so far as to say it's easier to work with. So if your in a group and you don't use anything to upload files to, post links to, give feedback to, I do recommend you try Wiggio.
Also, also also! My Delaware friend sent me this: Good cheap stuff, without having to visit eBay. I also like the coupon option. I have yet to find a good site to get my coupons from, but dealnews will substitute nicely for now.
Anyway I have recently become addicted to Future of Forestry my favourite song being this one.

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